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  • Irena Spasovic

The hot glow of July

Considering that the past month was boring for some of you, July for sure will not be like that in any case. The beginning will be in the seal of important events, in some cases fateful, and will mark the beginning of a new period, for some privately, and for some in business.

In the middle of it, there will be a lot false information, outpourings of incorrect data, or those falsified, to which many of you will not attach importance to whether they are accurate or not. There can be false declarations of love or supports, but only in words not in deeds.

At the end of the month, when will come to the square of Saturn and Uranus, which we have already passed from December 2020 to the end of March this year, starts to repeat itself. Many of us know what kind of tension we were going through, what fears crept into us and thoughts of what would happen. Of course, some are accustomed with all of this, which will essentially be clearing up the sediment, which has accumulated to a large extent. I have already indicated that in the annual forecast that it will last until Orthodox Christmas, when these big planets will finally start functioning in, so to speak, a normal rhythm. What will happen then at the end of the month is that aspect, but pushed by Mars, which will join Uranus in Taurus and together will resist Saturn in Aquarius. It is a big conflict on earth or air and between with metal perhaps. There can be a large explosion, an earthquake, some major disasters, globally looking, and in some cases it can manifest itself individually with fractures, injuries, lawsuits over real estate, repeating and proving exams. What will happen are simply some strong struggles for the preservation of humanity and against, as it is shown by these conflicts of those big planets in fixed signs, Taurus and Aquarius. In a way it is a conflict of something that has never been recognized and accepted against tradition, fertility, ground.


Aries, and those with that ascendant, the more you will be illuminated with the winning waves in your business element, the more you will be ready to invest, ready for all risks. You will not look at these risky moves as at problems or some brakes, because you will feel safe and well. Some may have some old loves and longings, which they simply cannot resist. However, it would be best to dedicate yourself to your home and family and bring your energy back to normal, so that you wouldn't have a headache afterwards.


For those with sign and ascendant Taurus, July will be a month to remember of the inevitably fateful. There will be some fundamental final changes and try to get rid of the old codes and brakes. It's time for something new. At the end of the month, Mars will enter your sign and will pass the conjunction with Uranus, squared with Saturn, and there will be sudden shaky changes, for permanent. Some of you will throw away some old habits, some will interrupt some jobs or erase some long-term worries. In any case, big decisions will be made.


For Gemini, this is the month of settling accounts and receiving new investments, and at the end of July, launching new projects. You will be in full force to do everything on time and under the thread. However, do not scatter energy on everything, but focus on the most important ones. Calm your excessive ambitions and stick to calm intentions and decisions. You will look at everything optimistically and you will not care whether your projects are accepted or not. You simply believe that everything will be as it should be, with faith.


For those of the sign and ascendant of Cancer, July is a time of stronger career struggle, whether the changes are planned or it will be sudden. It could be said, something what is unplanned and expected. There will also be financial shifts, but don’t indulge in high costs, especially if you don’t know exactly what you need. Also, be careful what you are saying and to whom you trust, in order to get someone's attention. For some it will be a matter of some cash flow, and for some it will be moments of searching for love.


The combination of the conjunction of Mars, Uranus and the North Node for some of you with sign and ascendant of Leo will bring increased unrest and ambition in resolving some business or court processes, or with exams, and maybe status abroad. Just approach it calmly and everything will be resolved in your glory. There will be some surprises, for sure, and for the better. However, be careful when it comes to costs and investments, and in any case, you will have the support of those closest to you. Some important moments will happen.


Virgos, try your luck until the middle of July, because a safe ticket can fall. As much as you are in fear what losses you could have or you had last month, you will now have the opportunity to improve your account. Celebrate that success and open up to those who care about you and don’t build walls against them. That attention will be accepted by you, not because of some strange happiness you feel, but because you will simply relax towards those closest to you. Find a place to rest a little, because you will need it to recharge your batteries.


At the beginning of July, pay attention to the offered conditions and opportunities and try to benefit from it. Do everything in moderation. For some, there will be an increase in earnings, and for some there will be a change of job. You will consider some plans, which you have kept in one of your drawers for a long time, and possibly concerning earnings. You will have some social events, the attention of others, but at the same time, do not miss something that will happen in front of you. Take off your mask and relax and pay attention to others when they speak.


You are in the element of how to gather the others, especially those who work for you all good and next to whom you feel comfortable, both privately and in business. You will have good predictions on how to do business and do not project everything you need. You may have the support of influential people, because maybe their projects will coincide with your goals, or vice versa. Take care of yourself primarily and don’t strain too much to prove yourself and to show something to all. Be confident in yourself and in what you do.


If a Sagittarius or with that ascendant intends to buy some real estate, some property, the time is right to do so. At the beginning of the month, there will be unexpected results and improvements in the financial plan. For some of you, retrograde Saturn will show the results of long-term work and you will feel much better. In case you have intentions and plans to travel somewhere, July 28 will be a great time to escape somewhere and take a break from all the worries you have accumulated in the previous months.


This July’s scenario is in your favor both in terms of mental and private stability, as well as business. There may be some important news among your loved ones and in the second half of the month you will make some significant changes. Don’t get involved in any litigation and court intentions, and commit to making some long-term saving plans. You will have some important conversations and meetings, from trust, which will bring you some new offers, opportunities, as well as for you profitable partnerships.


You will have significant written confirmations and stronger connections from abroad. In case you have had some losses or wrong investments you are given a new chance to correct it. Since you have some competition, it will be the right time to show that you are better than them. You will get a lot of attention from others, who will want to get closer to you. Some new acquaintances and opportunities will appear out of nowhere in search of you. In all that hustle and bustle, you will not pay significant attention to all of that and you will show some dose of independence.


For some Pisces of the sign and ascendant in the middle of the month, some significant gain is possible. However, be careful, because you may have pressure from others that you will have to incur higher costs. Work on that to avoid unhealthy habits and take care of your health. Something what you had planned this spring will have to be considered again, probably. Don't make sudden decisions whatever it is and think about whatever you need to decide, analyze the good and bad sides, and of course, reduce them to be concrete.

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