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  • Irena Spasovic

Fill this June with good vibes

On the 3rd of June, Mercury finally moves directly and in the middle of the month it moves into its headquarters, Gemini, where it will feel relaxed and ready for a new and safe jobs. Having already crossed some steps twice, up/down, and gone back to correct mistakes, it will now do finally cleaning with a clear certain corrections, which will come up to the surface around 20th of June. Some things will be very clear.

In the middle of June, many will have some love adventures or moments of love at first sight, where there is no limit, especially since the rulers of fixed signs have been activated and which are also in a fixed sign, Taurus. If you can, think before the butterflies take you. On the 5th of June Saturn will go retrograde, which will last longer, 4 months. Going back and thorough processing of the material and what has already been done, with strengthened intuition in solving problems. In that second half of June, it may be quite boring for some of you. So, a little work should be done to prevent you from that happening. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter, which has already begun, will lead to good results, those related to work, operations, treatment and health in general. Yes, there will be fights and conflicts somewhere, but it will be resolved if you are calm and focused on what you need to do!


Whatever is planned to be done, don't indulge in pointless expenses! Think carefully about possible losses and do not be blinded, and you will solve every obstacle. Some good results from abroad or on exams are possible. For lonely Aries and those with that Ascendant this June will be ideal for making relationships of trust. Even harmony and understanding among your closest ones will confuse you. Do not expose yourself to any physical exertion!


As last month was a big waste of energy for you in all fields, now is the time to recharge your batteries. You will be financially settled as you have had to make some unexpected decisions of waiver and unavoidable costs. In the second half of the month, you will finish arranging your bills and you will be relieved to finally take off the big burden of your back. You will be in good health, especially if you can afford some trip!


The time has come when you will have to make decisions about who is important to you and who is not, regardless of the conflicts within you. Try not to let others see what is happening inside you! If you are in an important position, as a leader, be sure to get the support of associates, without any doubt or dilemma. For the month of Gemini, this is the right time to realize new jobs and contracts. Don't be too embarrassed, because the weather is really suitable for such steps!


Do not take for serious what the others tell you and advise to you, and thinks it is not up to you and don’t make mistakes. You will withdraw a little from others, but you won’t feel lonely. You'll even enjoy it. Whatever you start, it will be good to focus on yourself, physically and mentally, and not waste your energy on unnecessary plans. For students, who are thoroughly studying for some exams, this month will be a complete success to achieve what they want!


Redirect your energy to new contacts, connections and values, and move forward for new goals. Because of the retrograde Saturn, some of the previous targets, which you had neglected, will now be reactivated. Unexpected results from abroad or on exams are possible. Try to make a trip with your loved ones, and you will be proud of them. You will not be endangered, firm decisions will be made and whatever you do, do not overdo it!


When some decisions, such as are taking exams or going on a trip, you will do everything under some pressure that you have to, without will and in fear. Consider all the items whether yes or no and then decide how you will. Don't avoid some people if you really don't have to. Give them a little good will and don't skimp on giving positive vibes to the others. As for expenses, make sure everything is under control and if you can, don't spend if you don't have to!


It's time to make some savings plans and projects for future goals, because you will finally be away from enemies and problems. If you are planning new jobs, it is possible that you will introduce some new parameters and contacts, but first of all be focused on yourself. You will make some new moves, which will make your ambitions jump forward and you will be motivated. In any case, you will get good results for your previous work.


Since you will be under pressure because of a partnership or you are in a situation of sudden marriage, you will think about whether it is good for you. Even during the full Moon in Sagittarius, in the middle of June, during some long-term financial feat, you will still think about whether it was worth of giving up. For some, Scorpio sign or Ascendant, it will be a nice time of harmony in love, and for students it will be a great time for focused learning, with understanding!


You will have a good profit in every business, even if you study. It will be highlighted at the beginning of the month, especially if it is some real estate. There may be some unexpected foreign exchange costs, new agreements and cooperation. You will look back at the past and the actions you did then that shaped you somewhat emotionally. You will be in good health and socially more active, and the recipe for this month is - don't take everything too seriously!


Clearer and wiser steps will lead you to a more serious approach to challenges. Unexpected moments will take you away from wasting energy on unimportant things and focus you on contacts, which give you the confidence to solve problems more decisively. Family support will be important to some of you! Business will be better from the middle of the month and good news are possible. You will not have love or health problems and think that very beautiful moments will happen!


You will have good business profits and it is possible that you will change your lifestyle, for yourself and primarily for your health. Retrograde Saturn will take you back to reconsider the work you’ve done and documented. You may find that those whose lives you do not know will seek advice from you. You will make some changes in the house for the better and you will financially refresh your bills. Just keep confident to do everything for your own good!


Since you will be quite lost on what goals you want to achieve, thinking that you do not have the opportunity, this month will give you a good cards. Listen to someone for whom you think that can support and advise you. Don't let something distract you from doing something good and don't forget those who think the best of you! Be careful what you say and don't be in rush, and be careful how you spend and first of all, invest in yourself!

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